Why Karaoke?
Karaoke shows tend to offer something for everyone. Some of your guests will enjoy performing for the group; some will have even more fun singing a favorite song as part of a group of guests. (There’s safety in numbers!) And some of the guests will just enjoy watching someone else perform — and maybe singing along while seated at their table.
Some will enjoy listening to the tunes, some will get up and dance, and some will just watch the video monitor, to learn that line of lyrics they could never figure out. We even have seen guests who just enjoy browsing our song catalog and remembering various tunes they haven’t heard in a long time.
What if no one wants to perform? Our hosts have learned a few techniques to encourage participation; and if there is really no appetite for singing in your group, we’ll fill in with recorded music for dancing and listening enjoyment.
Why Choose Onstage Entertainment for Karaoke?
The fact that we’ve been doing karaoke shows for over 20 years doesn’t really matter — unless we’ve learned over the years, to offer the right show for any type of group. Here are some of the things you can expect from an Onstage show.
- The selection of songs available can be customized for different groups. Some groups prefer songs without off-color language and themes; other groups want “everything” to be available. We can accommodate both!
- Speaking of the song selection, we’ve created custom-designed books listing the titles — thousands of unique songs! Ask how we’ve made the books easier to use than any others.
- The songs available cover most every genre and era of pop music. From old oldies to newer songs, from patriotic songs and country tunes to hip-hop and dance tunes — we have everyone’s favorites. (Our specialty is music from the 60s thru the “oughts”, because that’s the music that more people are most comfortable performing.)
- The sound system is an important key, of course. We make sure that the singers sound as good as possible, balanced against the background music. This includes using multiple microphones for groups singing.
- For karaoke, the video display is part of the show too! We feature a monitor for the singers to recall they lyrics, AND another screen for the rest of the group to follow along.
- No dead air! Our shows feature fill-in music between singers, to keep the party vibe going strong!
- We spotlight the singer(s) on stage, to focus attention on the performance. (Specific lighting depends on the venue in some cases.)
- Sadly, we also have to mention the legal side of the business. All of our tracks are licensed for performance; we don’t try to bring in freebies from YouTube! We’ve been doing this long enough to have some tracks that are no longer available.
For public performance venues, we can guide you through your role in ensuring that royalties are handled safely. - Our hosts know that their job is more than just starting songs and turning on microphones. They create a show environment, reacting with the group from serious times to silly moments. Plus they also interact with the entire group and with individuals in the room. It’s all part of making the event FUN for everyone.
Contact us to discuss karaoke for your group’s event — either as the feature for an evening event, or as an add-on to other types of event. Call or text 920-733-7600 … or visit the Contact Us page!